Education and Training

Resources to Help In Your Emotional Embuffination Journey

Unsure How to Begin?

The process of emotional embuffination can feel overwhelming at first. There’s so much to learn and do and you may have no idea where to start. If that’s the case, check out the Where Do I Start page.


Injured By Positivity

Injured By Positivity

In February of 2019, Said Mechaout walked up to Stefano Leo and slit his throat with a knife. The two didn’t know each other. Mechaout just found Leo walking up the street. During interrogation, Mechaout admitted to the crime and told police, “I killed Stefano Leo...

The Flip

The Flip

When I started working as an attorney in family law, it didn’t take long before I experienced, “the Flip.” I represented a woman. Her ex was physically abusive. It was painfully clear she was telling the truth. We had a recording of her being attacked by her ex,...

Are You Drinking the COVID Kool-Aid?

Are You Drinking the COVID Kool-Aid?

In November of 1978 Jim Jones led over 900 people into drinking a cyanide-laced Kool-Aid-like drink. The result was mass suicide. From that event we coined the phrase, “drinking the Kool-Aid.” The expression is relevant to situations in which someone or a group of...

What Sei Weng’s Horse Can Teach Us About COVID-19

What Sei Weng’s Horse Can Teach Us About COVID-19

Sei Weng's Story There is an old Taoist story about a man named, Sei Weng, that has relevance to what's happening to us today. Sei Weng was a Chinese farmer. He lived with his son. They had a beautiful horse that was the envy of everyone in the village. One day Sei...

The Vaccine for the Corona Virus’s Fear and Anger Contagion

The Vaccine for the Corona Virus’s Fear and Anger Contagion

The other day I was in a gaming store and watched as a patron was virtually yelling at a clerk about how angry he was that people were buying all the toilet paper. “It doesn’t make any sense! Why toilet paper?! Like that’s going to stop them from getting sick!” What...

Gratitude: The Key to Conflict

Gratitude: The Key to Conflict

In this video we discuss the power of using gratitude as a tool when you're in the midst of conflict. It will help you to feel better and will cause the other side to attack you less.  

Pain Begets Pain

Pain Begets Pain

In this video, we look at the effect of pain on others around you and on you.

How Much Drama Are You?

Take a short quiz to find out how much drama you are, how much drama you’re attracting, and what you can do about it.

Emotional Embuffination Book

The Blueprint to Overcoming Conflict and Maximizing Happiness

The Emotional Embuffination book covers different aspects of conflict, including:

  • How to deal with crisis in the moment,
  • Understanding the psychology of why people do what they do,
  • How to manage conflict with other people, and
  • How to eliminate internal conflict and make yourself as joyful as possible.