
You CAN Overcome

Is your ex/baby momma/baby daddy driving you insane, ruining your life, or destroying the relationship with your kids? Is it spiraling out of control and leaving you wondering how to handle it?


You can deal with it and deal with it effectively. Emotional Embuffination principles were born out of divorce and child custody fights in a legal settings. And you can use them to improve the situation with your ex and make you feel better while you do it.


Emotional Embuffination coaching is the use of a coach to guide you through the challenging times and point out how you can utilize these principles more effectively in your life. So if you’re ready to not only deal with those problems but also thrive, then reach out and see if we can work together.


Everyone is in a unique relationship situation, but there are some common psychological threads that cut across the board. I’ve spent over a decade working as a family law attorney, attending to divorces and fights over custody of children. In that time I’ve seen a clear pattern wherein people make things much worse than they need to be. My hope is to bring the concepts of Emotional Embuffination to those struggling through their own family matters, be it a divorce or just figuring out how to co-parent with an ex. Narcissists, personality disorders, or the just plain selfish are all manageable. You can take control of your life and the relationship with your children and minimize any further chaos.

-David Enevoldsen

Who might be a good fit for Emotional Embuffination coaching:

  • Someone who’s been in conflict with another parent and can’t seem to figure out how to deal with them.
  • People who want to figure out how to engage in basic communication with another parent.
  • Those going through divorces who need help in achieving specific goals.
  • Those going through child custody disputes who have targeted goals to come of it.
  • People trying to accomplish relationship objectives.
  • Anyone who needs help putting together a plan to achieve your dreams.

Who probably ISN’T a good fit for Emotional Embuffination coaching:

  • Someone who needs an attorney and wants this for legal advice (or someone who is already using David Enevoldsen as an attorney).
  • People looking for a counselor instead of a coach (you need help with a mental health diagnosis or treatment, or need help generally dealing with any mental disorder).
  • Anyone who won’t take personaly responsibility for their situation.
  • Those unwilling to make changes in their lives.

Coaching Disclaimer:

  • David is a licensed Arizona attorney. However, if you use him as a coach, there is NO attorney-client relationship and he will not be acting as an attorney. He will be your coach.
  • David is NOT a licensed counselor or behavioral health professional. If you need counseling, a psychologist, or a psychiatrist, you MUST seek out one of those professionals licensed to practice in your state.
  • You WILL need to put in some work to change any situation you are unhappy with. Things aren’t going to get better or be any closer to your goals if you keep doing the same thing you have been doing.

If you'd like to see if we'd be a good fit for coaching, send me a brief message below explaining what situation or issues you would like help with.

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